
(De)constructing gender? Women laborers and building site photography in western India, 1850-1990
in Construction Matters: Proceedings of the 8th International Congress on  Construction History, 2024
Sarah Melsens

Other Publications

PhD Thesis
Architect, Engineer or Builder? A history of professional demarcation through practice and discourse, Pune (India) 1930-1992
      PHD Thesis, 2020 
      Sarah Melsens

Articles                                                                                                           Intermingled Interests: Social Housing, Speculative Building, and Architectural Practice in 1970s and 1980s Pune (India)
      ABE Journal - Architecture Beyond Europe, 2022 
      Sarah Melsens, Inge Bertels, Amit Srivastava

The architectural production of India's everyday modernism: middle-class housing in Pune, 1960-1980
      ABE Journal - Architecture Beyond Europe, 2019
      Sarah Melsens, Inge Bertels, Amit Srivastava

Conference Papers                                                                                    
Technical Writings as Political: Building Manuals and Pattern Books from British  
      India (1880-1947)

     Timber and Construction. Proceedings of the Ninth Conference of the    
     Construction History Society, 2022
     Sarah Melsens, Chetan Sahasrabudhe

The emergence and impact of vocational training in the building trades in Pune
  (India): an analysis of three institutes

In Building Histories: the Proceedings of the Fourth Annual Construction Society. Cambridge, 2017
    Sarah Melsens, Priyanka Mangaonkar

Architect-entrepreneurs in post-independence Pune (India)
     In Third annual conference of the Construction History Society. Cambridge, UK, 2016.
Sarah Melsens, Priyanka Mangaonkar-Vaiude, Yashoda Joshi

Shaping India's cities, the changing role of stakeholders in construction since
      independence (1947)

       Proceedings of the Fifth International Congress on Construction History, 03-07         June, 2015, Chicago, United States, 2015
      Sarah Melsens, Inge Bertels, Amit Srivastava